Thursday, November 6, 2008

At home....

I love Mondays and Wednesdays because we have no activities going on during the day and we are able to enjoy the luxury of staying home. Yesterday, we accomplished a great day of school and got all the chores done and the kids asked me to play a game of UNO with them. As we played cards at the kitchen table with the woodstove crackling cozily behind us and the cheery afternoon sun pouring in the window, my heart filled with gratitude for my family, a warm home to live in, and the freedom I have to educate my children at home.


Paige said...

Hi Sariah! I linked over from Mitzi's blog. Looks like you are all enjoying where you are at these days. Are the kids still clogging? McKenna still talks about Hailey, it's cute. I will have to add you to my list of blogs, so I can "peek" in on your family every once in a while. Take care, Paige

mitzi said...

Oh--that sounds wonderful! To slow life down enough to just enjoy what we have been blessed with!

lawdy said...

i like this post. we've had a couple of slower days like that too. it's the best thing!

MisoMama said...

What a lovely scene. It makes me think of my early days of homeschool. All games and reading in front of the fire, still in your jammies at noon.
We slowed down today too and Gnome said "I love lazy days."

K. Lou said...

I was thinking about you when I drove past Bliss last month. Wondering what you were up to...isn't the world of blogging so great! It's very nice to see your cute family and wonder at the craziness of time flying by.

Reading your posts brings back a hundred memories. makes me wish I was as skinny as I was that year we ran our butts off at the field house and up the stadium stairs.

I'm so glad that I rechecked Paige's post comments. I'm still smiling about it. So cool.

I guess I will be "seeing ya!"

Mandy said...

I love slow days too. It think that is the best thing about homeschool. I recently had to take notice of how many things we had planned outside the home every week. I had to cancel a few and it was so nice to spend the last few days at home!