Friday, October 31, 2008

Trying to sleep....

Last night I couldn't get back to sleep after waking in the middle of the night. After laying there for almost 2 hours I finally decided to get up and update my blog. Are you surprised the topic I've chosen is sleep? I thought I would post some pictures of the silly places the kids have slept. Sometimes I say yes to my kids requests to sleep in strange places. Here are Reagan, Heidi and Torsten in the basement linen closet after a night of slumber. Look closely, Reagan is in a laundry basket.Heidi made a little fort in the living room and inside of it she put her laundry basket and used a sweater for a pillow. It doesn't look too comfortable but she slept in it all night.....Speaking of comfortable, this spot doesn't look too great either. But during the long late hours spent remodeling at Grandma's house this spring, sometimes Heidi was forced to create a sleeping place amidst the clutter. This time she used a pink parasol to help define her little space (and maybe protect her from the dangling electric outlets over head- poor child!).

1 comment:

MisoMama said...

These must have been especially insulting to see while you were unable to sleep in your own bed.
Ahh, to have no cares or concerns and sleep like a child!