Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I've never discussed politics on my blog - I guess like this to be a "happy place". But for some reason I felt like sharing a Wall Street Journal clip concerning Obama's failure to include his campaign promised tax cuts for small businesses in the stimulus package. Hey, why should Obama do tax cuts for business (that would actually help our economy grow) when he can just give a personal tax cut to all us that make under $75,000? Yah, I'm banking on that extra $7 a week to really change things for my family..... :-O Seriously, I think with these kinds of policies being implemented we are pretty much assuring ourselves of Depression times to come. *think happy thoughts...happy thoughts..*


EllaJac said...

You are wise to generally avoid the politics thing. I can't help it, of course. Though lately, I haven't posted about anything political (or anything much at all!), because if I do, I won't be able to stop and my head will explode. They're all just so crazy. My current wish is that we'd let this whole, twisted house-of-cards burn itself to the ground, and then start over with people who, you know, have read The Constitution. It worked, while it was used. Argh.

The Mayo Family said...

I totally agree w/ you. Oh don't even get me started on politics. All I have to do is watch Glen Beck- arrgghh it just drives me crazy! Is this the change everyone was talking about? As we can see it's politics as usual!

Mandy said...

Everything about the government lately scares me to death. The bigger the government gets, the more it forgets about the people it is supposed to be working for. Somewhere the idea that it works for US instead of us for them was lost. Maybe we can just hope for the end of the world, and it will all be over.

mama of many said...

Your blog is still a happy place! Sometimes we need a little sour with the sweet. Especially when spoken with wisdom like you can do.

MisoMama said...

Where are we going? And why are we in this hand basket?