My Reagan, who is not yet 5, sometimes likes to say words that are not so
lovely. Not cuss words or BAD words, more along the lines of
bathroom words- if you know what I mean. He really thinks it's quite funny and the kids and I are pretty tired of it. So last night, the older kids came in the kitchen and told me "Mom, he's saying those
words again." Okay, what am I going to do about this bad habit of his? I need to do something! Shaking my head sorrowfully and with a shocked tone of voice I said,
"Oh Reagan, now your mouth is
dirty and I have to wash it out. Come over to the sink."
dirty?" he asked with surprise.
"Yes, I need to wash it clean because you've been saying yucky words."
He calmly walked over to the kitchen sink. (He's taking this better than I thought he would. Isn't he supposed to be showing signs of trepidation at this point?)
I boosted him up to the sink and put a squirt of Ultra Concentrate Dawn on his tongue and then started wiping it around. (Okay.... still no reaction. When are the signs of disgust supposed to start?)
Finally, I turned the faucet on for the
rinse cycle and proceeded to finish Reagan's tongue bath, which is all that I feel I've accomplished by this point.
I put him down and asked "Are you going to say naughty words anymore?"
"No.....Mom does it look clean now?" He opened his mouth for me to inspect while I tried hard not to laugh.
Then as he left, Reagan said to me, without a trace of cheekiness, "Mom, that soap tasted
I think this whole little exercise didn't quite work out the way it was supposed to....when did soap start tasting good?